Thursday, July 03, 2003


Firstly...this is totally sick!!!! So much so that it's taken my mind off my toe :-(

I frequently walk into my armchair (just for the hell of it) and always bruise my little toe. Yesterday I went one better, managing to whack it so hard that I almost passed out (I am a total wimp when it comes to pain so bear that in mind). Not only did I make it bleed and swell up beautifully but it seemed that I'd also dislodged the toe nail, although this morning the fear of losing it seems to have passed. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I managed to knock it on something else. Several ice packs later, I calmed down a little and strapped the thing up....just to prevent further injury. Having just investigated, it appears that the swelling is almost gone although it's still pretty sore and any pressure on the nail is upsetting. I know, don't prod...but there's something perversely pleasing about touching bits that hurt...maybe it's cos once you stop, the pain goes away? And as for shoes....ha ha ha. Put a pair on earlier when I went out....hopalong or what?!

Still feeling a bit sorry for myself. And the SEAL, who has now returned from his travels, refuses to give me any sympathy!!!!

Try this:

very understanding
knows how to make an impression
active fighter for social cause
moody and capricious lover
honest and tolerant partner
precise sense of judgment.


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