Too much cheese!
Couldn't resist.....cheddar with roasted garlic.....mmmm....but shouldn't eat it.....end up in cold sweats. Don't know what they put in it here but it always has this effect on me, one tiny little piece and I suffer....and I had more than one piece cos it was sooo good but now I'm wishing I hadn't..... :-( Need to get some "safe" stuff sent over from England....when I can be bothered.
Family wedding this weekend. Trying to work out the nature of the's my father's uncle's ex-wife who is remarrying. Some guy that noone other than my sister has met. My mother was telling me that she invited them over for coffee before the wedding but it never happened so they're off to meet the wedding. Sounds like fun...zzzzz. Not sure I really like my father's side of the family that much...there are so many of them I lose track and there's always some disagreement happening. Nice to be out of that...just get to hear the stories afterwards.....
And on the subject of ex-spouses...should that be ex-spice (?)....."Le Divorce".....snooooooooozzzzzeeeee......crap. Nice to see Paris again, even it was on a screen, but lousy film. There was a side-story about a painting that added precisely zero to the plot. Not even good acting really....and with a cast list as long as my arm I was definitely expecting more! Couple of nice anti-American jokes and some anti-French jokes, which did make me giggle....but that was about it.....

Calm yet sweet, kind but likes to be alone. I bet
you would want to dance with everyone else, you
just don't want to go down there and face them.
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