Thursday, May 19, 2005

And so it continues...

In a thwarted attempt to spring clean, I managed to walk into a chair and totally smashed up the middle toe on my left foot. I took photos it was so ugly....bright red/black and very swollen. This is the toe next to the toe I did in last time. Stupid or wot? Someone at work has been laughing at the fact that I managed to, so spectacularly, destroy this toe while leaving the others intact.

To make it worse, my back is so screwed up it's not funny. I usually suffer with left side pain, this is the right side (for the first time). And, given the toe situation, I'm limping like mad, which only serves to mess up the spinal alignment even get the idea.

So, can't sleep cos of pain. Can't sit cos it hurts. Can't stand cos my body can't seem to support me at the moment. Definitely can't laugh. Driving sucks and walking is a near-stationary shuffle.....crying seems to be pretty successful :-(

Ho hum.

All I can say is...if you're going to do something, you should it properly...and that seems to include breaking myself.

Can't wait til I get old and things really get bad!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Not been on here for a while. Busy with stuff. Not all good. In fact more not good than good. Guessing my luck has to change at some point....wish it would hurry up!!!! no particular order....

- my father called to tell me he has diabetes.

- met a guy but not looking like it'll have a happy ending.

- met another guy who....has potential... (oh maybe that's a sign that luck is shifting in my favour)

- had bronchitis, lost my voice, got it back after about 10 days

- the TRIP COM button in my car decided not to work.

- had to work the weekend a couple of weeks ago (think that was what triggered the sleep and working 19 days straight in a row including trans-Atlantic flights)

- org changes look like they might be happening...finally....leaving me with my old boss who is a total jerk. Damn!!!

Did finally break the being really ill. Trying to look on the bright side. Went back to see the neurologist yesterday. His know what you have to do so do it. I do I'm going to get on with it.....
